Student Group Travel

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Student Group Passport


Inter-American Group, Inc. (IAG) offers a team of experts to assist students with obtaining travel documents such as passports and/or visas to participate in travel or study abroad programs. Professors, Team Leaders, Study Abroad Program Organizers, Event Planners, and even Students themselves can all benefit from our services. When Time and Trust count, you can rely on our company to give quick and secure solutions!

What we can offer you for Student Group Travel:



  • Quick Service: We will provide a direct link for us to work together so that you receive your students’ and professors’ travel documents as quickly as possible, in time for their trip.
  • Discount: We can provide a special price for groups of students that need several travel documents for a specific program.
  • Top Quality Customer Service: We will gladly answer all questions and provide detailed instructions for each service, as well as updates throughout the process for your students and professors.


We are a leading company in the processing of travel documents; we have a team of professionals ready to assist you and guide you through every step, in the most secure manner possible. A great deal of companies rely their employees’ passport and visa needs to us and this is the perfect opportunity to create a partnership which will simplify the process even more. Give us a call today to 202-223-7203 for more information on our partnership opportunities.

Click here to place your passport Order


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